Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Beranda » Electric Motor Selection and Sizing

Electric Motor Selection and Sizing

Electric Motor Selection
_Two basic decisions to make:
_What type of motor is needed?
_ DC motor?
_ AC motor?
_Once type of motor is selected, what size
Motor is required?
Type Selection - DC Motor
_DC motors are typically used when
_ low-cost, _________________ is advantageous
_butt precise speed regulation not required
_ Starting torque required ___________________
Than running torque
_brief overloads OK, since motor has time tot cool
_ frequent start/stop cycles, reversing, or closed loop
Positioning required
Type Selection - AC Motor
_AC motors are typically used when
_ low-cost, _________________ is advantageous
_gearing required to deliver speeds that are
Significantly less than 1200 RPM
_ Starting torque ______________ running torque
_brief periods of high running torque frequently
Handled by flywheels
_ Available access to AC power
Brainstorming Scenario
_Your group has been hired to select motors for
Various applications and products
_Possibilities include:
_ DC motor (w/brushes)
_ Brushless DC motor
_ Split phase AC motor
_ Permanent Split Capacitor (PSC) AC motor
_ Shaded pole AC motor
_ Universal motor
In-Class Exercise
_Match one of the 6 different types of motors to
These applications & justify your selection:
_ Electric knife for carving turkey
_ Constant speed conveyor belt with frequent
_ Power window drive in auto
_ Fan in indoor HVAC unit
_ Industrial robot used in painting applications
Motor Sizing #1
_The major constraint on all motor operation
Is thermal in nature.
_The heat a DC motor must dissipate can be
Electrical Power = Power Dissipated + Mechanical Power
(Input) (As heat) (Useful output)
Electric Motor Selection and Sizing 33.2
Motor Sizing #2
• Each specific electric motor will have its own
Characteristic torque-speed “curve”
Speed, w
Torque, t
AC Motor
PMDC Motor
Universal Motor
Motor Sizing #3
_Each type of load will have its own torque--
Speed requirements
Speed, w
Torque, t Constant
Pumps and Fans Viscous Friction
(T ยต speed2)
Motor Sizing #4
_Operating point occurs at intersection off motor
And load speed/torque “curves”
Speed, w
Torque, t
AC Motor
Speed, w
Torque, t
DC Motor
DC Motor Ratings
_DC motors are “rated” at a single speed and
_In most cases, the motor can operate at this
Point _______________________
_ Temperature rating will not be exceeded
_ DC motors rated with _____________________
_DC motors are “typically” used at
_ about ___________ of rated speed
_ about ___________ of rated torque
DC Motor Selection Example
_A 12 volt battery-powered DC motor is used on a
Child’s toy “Jeep”
_What power (in watts and hip) is required for this
Application? Hint – ignore acceleration
_Which motor should be selected from the spec
Sheet provided for the application?
V=3 ft. /sec
Total mass
m=40 kg o 5
AC Motor Ratings
_AC motors are also “ratted” at a single speed
And horsepower
_ 3450, 1725, 1140, 850 RPM are common
_AC motor can operate here continuously
_ Temperature rating will not be exceeded
_AC motors are “typically” used at
_ about ____________ of rated torque/power
_ much lower efficiency if motor is ____________

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