Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Beranda » Electrical Safety Clearance

Electrical Safety Clearance

Minimum Safety Clearance of Pipelines from Electrical Tower:

The right of way (ROW) (widths on either side of the center line of overhead transmission lines )
25 Meter
50 Meter
Other than the roadways and boundary fences of security establishments any temporary or permanent structures / buildings, parapet walls,
Not within 25 Meter
Not within 50 Meter
With  All Underground  services crossing the way leave (from the nearest tower foundation)
35 Meter (Min)
50 Meter (Min)
The nearest side of the road reservation to the nearest tower foundation
25 Meter
35 Meter,50 Meter
The pipelines (water, oil/gas etc.) crossing (respectively away from the nearest base of tower leg). Pipe-lines shall not be laid parallel to the overhead line within the limits of a way leave (ROW).
25 Meter (Min)
35 Meter(Min) ,50 Meter(Min)
Cables crossing the transmission lines way leave (ROW) respectively away from the nearest base of tower leg.
25 Meter
35 Meter,50 Meter
Foundations and civil structures (Temporary or permanent) will not be permitted in the close proximity to the cable circuit. A minimum horizontal distance from such  structures to the nearest edge of the cable trench shall be observed
Min 1.5 Meter
Min 1.5 Meter

 Clearance among Electrical Line-Telephone- Water-Sewerage -Gas Line

Vertical Clearance(Min)
Water Line (to cross below EHV cable level)0.5 Meter
Sewerage Mains (to cross below EHV cable level)1.0 Meter
Drainage Mains (to cross below EHV cable level)0.5 Meter
Gas pipes0.6 Meter
Telephone lines0.5 Meter
LV / 11kV cables0.5 Meter

 Safety Clearance for Excavation of Land :

Type of Excavation
Use of heavy mechanical excavators (other than hand operated pneumatic jack hammers) or driving sheet piles Not less than 3 Meter from the edge of cable, cover, cable joint
Heavy machinery engaged in the civil construction or road worksoperating load/thrust/ weight will not be applied directly on the cable installation
Trench excavations parallel to the cable installationsMinimum separation of 1 Meter to the nearest edge of cable tile 
Laying of metal pipes over a long distance parallel to cableNot permitted unless the Step and Touch Potentials at any point of the pipe line do not exceed 65 Volts.

 (A) Inside Towns

Distance between Tower’s foundation to Pipeline in parallel and intersections.

Min Distance
0.5 Meter
2 Meter
7 Meter
10 Meter
230KV and Above
20 Meter

Distance between underground power cables to wall of gas pipelines in parallel routes.

Min Horizontal Distance
Min Vertical Distance
1 Meter
0.5 Meter
2 Meter
1 Meter
3 Meter
1.5 Meter

(B) Outside of Towns:

 Distance between Tower’s foundation to Pipeline in parallel and intersections.

Min Distance in Parallel Route (Up to 5 Km)
Min Distance in Parallel Route (Above 5 Km)
20 Meter
30 Meter
30 Meter
40 Meter
40 Meter
50 Meter
50 Meter
60 Meter
60 Meter
60 Meter

Distance between overhead lines to gas pipelines at intersections.

Min Distance
8 Meter
9 Meter
10 Meter
11 Meter
12 Meter

Distance between Tower’s foundations to gas pipelines at intersections.

Min Distance
20 Meter
63KV and Higher
30 Meter

Right Of Way (R.O.W) From Roads:

High Way : (38 meter from one side of Central Line of Highway)
76 Meter
First Class State Road=(22.5 meter from one side of Central Line of Highway)
45 Meter
Second Class State Road=(17.5 meter from one side of Central Line of Highway)
35 Meter
Third Class State Road =(12.5 meter from one side of Central Line of Highway)
25 Meter
Forth Class State Road=(7.5 meter from one side of Central Line of Highway)
15 Meter

General Electrical Safety Clearance:

Up to 11 KV
At points where the lines cross roads or railways
Min 6 Meter Height
Up to 11 KV
parallel to roads the
Min 5.5 Meter Height
Up to 11 KV
lines cross totally desert regions where no traffic is possible
Min 5.5 Meter Height
20 KV to 66 KV
All Location
Min 6 Meter Height
Up to 11 KV
Conductor Joint
No joint shall be closer than 3 meters to a point of support
33 KV & 66 KV
Conductor Joint
No tension joints shall be used unless specially approved.
66 KV
18 Meter
132 KV
27 Meter
220 KV
35 Meter
52 Meter (Single Circuit)
400 KV
48 Meter (Double Circuit)

Minimum clearances between Electrical Lines crossing each other:

66 KV
132 KV
220 KV
400 KV
66 KV
2.4 Meter
3 Meter
4.5 Meter
5.4 Meter
132 KV
3 Meter
3 Meter
4.5 Meter
5.4 Meter
220 KV
4.5 Meter
4.5 Meter
4.5 Meter
5.4 Meter
400 KV
4.5 Meter
5.4 Meter
5.4 Meter
5.4 Meter

Permissible Min ground Clearance of Electrical Line:

Ground Clearance
Over National Highway
66 KV
6.1 Meter
8.0 Meter
132 KV
6.1 Meter
8.6 Meter
220 KV
7.0 Meter
9.8 Meter
8.8 Meter
10.8 Meter

 Clearance for Telephone line Crossings Power Line:

Clearance (Min)
66 KV
2.4 Meter
132 KV
2.7 Meter
220 KV
3.0 Meter

 Vertical Clearance between Electrical Line and railway tracks.

Clearance (Min)
66 KV
14 Meter
132 KV
14.6 Meter
220 KV
15.4 Meter
400 KV
17.9 Meter

Clearance from Buildings to low, medium & high voltage lines:

Low & Medium VoltageFlat roof, open balcony, verandah roof ,When the line passes above the building a vertical clearance from the highest point2.5 Meter
Low & Medium VoltageLine passes adjacent to the building a horizontal clearance from the nearest point1.2 Meter
Low & Medium VoltageLine passes above the building a vertical clearance2.5 Meter
Low & Medium VoltageLine passes adjacent the building a Horizontal clearance1.2 Meter
11 KV to 33 KVLine passes above or adjacent   to any building or part of a building3.7  Meter
Above 33 KVLine passes above or adjacent   to any building or part of a building3.7+(0.3 for every additional 33 KV )
Up to 11 KVThe horizontal clearance between the nearer conductor and any part of such building1.2 Meter
11 KV to 33 KVThe horizontal clearance between the nearer conductor and any part of such building2.0 Meter
Above 33 KVThe horizontal clearance between the nearer conductor and any part ofsuch building2.0 + (0.3 for every additional 33 KV )

Clearance above ground at the lowest conductor:

Low & Medium VoltageAcross a street5.8 Meter
High VoltageAcross a street6.1 Meter
Low & Medium VoltageAlong a street5.5 Meter
High VoltageAlong a street5.8 Meter
Low & Medium VoltageElsewhere than along or across any street4.0 Meter
High VoltageElsewhere than along or across any street5.2 Meter
33 KV & EHVClearance above ground(Add 0.3 Meter for every 33 KV Volts in 5.2 Meter)Min 6.1 Meter

Vertical Clearance at Middle of Span:

Vertical Clearance (At Middle of Span)
200 Meter
4.0 Meter
300 Meter
5.5 Meter
400 Meter
7.0 Meter
500 Meter
8.5 Meter

Safety Clearance from Live Part in Outdoor Substation:

Safety Working Clearance
12 KV
2.6 Meter
36 KV
2.8 Meter
72.5 KV
3.1 Meter
145 KV
3.7 Meter
220 KV
4.3 Meter
6.4 Meter
800 KV
10.3 Meter

Lying of Telecommunication Cables with Power Cables (>33 kV).

Min. Distance
Power cable of voltage exceeding 33 kV shall be laid
Min 1.2 Meter depth
Underground telecommunication cable shall be with underground power cable of voltage exceeding 33 kV.
Min 0.6 Meter Separate from Power Cable

Safe approach limits for people:

214V to 415 KV
Person using manually operated tool1.3 Meter2.0 Meter3.0 Meter4.0 Meter5.0 Meter6.0 Meter
Person using power operated tool3.0 Meter3.0 Meter3.0 Meter4.0 Meter5.0 Meter6.0 Meter

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